Executive VIP Contributor Best Holistic Life Magazine
Best Holistic Life Magazine brings you exclusive content from our Executive VIP Contributors who are experts in their respective fields. These contributors are carefully selected and invited to share their knowledge and insights on topics related to holistic lifestyle, mindset, business, leadership, and fitness. Our magazine features influential leaders, top entrepreneurs, expert coaches, doctors, and industry leaders who provide valuable information and guidance on your wellness journey. Explore our website and read articles that will inspire and help you on your journey toward better holistic living.

Best Holistic Life Magazine Executive Contributor
Douglas Mulhall
Douglas Mulhall’s bestselling book, Discovering the Nature of Longevity: Restoring the heart and body by targeting hidden stress, is recommended by the American Institute of Stress, with a Foreword by Columbia University’s Chief of Cardiology. Douglas co-creates healthy products that protect people from toxic substances, using an award-winning certification that he co-created and is recognized by the USEPA.
He trained design teams for award-winning healthy schools and offices in Sweden and the Netherlands and is a registered expert at the International Organization for Standardization. He co-founded Elastrin Therapeutics, a medical biotech company with non-invasive technology that restores arteries in cardiovascular conditions. He also co-founded and was the first CEO of the most watched TV network in Ukraine, ICTV. He is a published researcher at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and the Technical University of Munich in Germany.