Spark Your Magical Power! June is here. The threshold of summer. How did we get here so fast? And how has 2023 been going for you so far…
Lon Art
How Do You Woo?
I remember the first time I paid to have an oracle reading done, almost three decades ago. The service was offered in a small crystal shop.
Beginnings – Journeys within Journeys
There is something exciting about beginnings, like entering into a new relationship, starting a different job, moving to an unfamiliar town, getting the key to a freshly purchased house, or where we are finding ourselves right now—the beginning of a new year. What is it about beginnings that excite us so much? I think we all heard the expression “life is a journey.” We recognize that it is an adventure full of twists and turns, ups and downs, ebbs and flows, change, transformation, and growth that all contribute to our evolution as individuals, and ultimately, as humankind collectively. For some, the marking of the beginning of this journey is when we are born into this world in a physical body, and it ends when that physical body dies. Others embrace a more expanded view that includes the belief that we are each a spiritual being in a corporeal form on a temporary passage that is part of an infinite and eternal journey.