More than One Direction: Merging Paths in My TNBC Treatment – Written by a cancer survivor from personal experience. Wishing you find the beauty in cancer like I did.
My TNBC diagnosis at 42 was like a knockout punch—aggressive, invasive, Stage 3, & in my lymph nodes. Despite being a paragon of health, this was my reality. TNBC cases account for only 10-15% of breast cancer diagnoses and are known to be rare. Even in this adversity, I discovered the art of healing lies not just in battling but in harmonizing various treatments. I never assumed before I was in the shoes of a survivor that I could choose more than one direction.
A Spectrum of Options
I ventured beyond standard care, refusing to choose between Eastern or Western, the traditional Standard of Care, Integrative and Alternative treatments. Instead, I embraced them all! Chemotherapy, though daunting, became a part of my tool kit, alongside surgeries and the precise strikes of radiation.
Alongside these, I integrated Immunotherapy, nutrition, juicing, Infrared therapy, Acupuncture, Reiki Energy Healing, vitamin drips, and mind-body practices. This wasn’t a mere addition to my regimen; it was a fusion, each element enhancing the other, crafting a personalized shield against cancer. As mentioned in the previous article, although my career was in Finance, I had studied health, nutrition, cancer, cancer causes, cancer cures, juicing, healing modalities, biology, orthomolecular medicine, Mind-Body connection and more, for FUN! Yes, you read that right! It was so interesting to me!
I really believe that your perception can truly affect your reality. I had always said, I would never do Chemo. WOW, God sure has a sense of humor! Although TNBC has so many terrible and negative connotations surrounding it, one good thing is that it has been said to really respond to chemo! I decided that if I was going to do chemo after all, that I was going to have a Dang good time doing it and change my viewpoint about it! I decided several things but I will discuss 2 in this article.
Dressing Up is Fun
If I was going to get up, power through, drive well over an hour to have chemo injected into my body, I was somehow going to bring Joy, Love, Laughter and silliness into the equation. Crazy Right! I find that many infusion centers are dark, small spaces, unhealthy snacks provided, not great energy and as one can expect… sadness!
I came up with a schedule so that a loved one accompanied me to each Chemo infusion AND they were such good sports that many agreed to partake in my silliness! We both dressed up! I was a cheerleader, an ice princess, a unicorn, wonder woman and more. The bigger the wig and the more glitter the better! Another fun thing I liked to do was to hang the wigs on my IV cart leaving a trail of glitter! And you know what… It helped me and it helped others!
The days when I got up and said I AM NOT GOING… I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN… and I would get up and get dressed in my silly outfit and it would cause me to end up laughing at myself and saying ok… I will go! When I would arrive at the hospital for treatment, people would ask me if I was there for kids and such. Other patients would look at me and smile.
I loved to see that sparkle in their eyes in a dim place. People would come take pictures. They would approach me asking about why I was dressed up and tell me stories. Several things happened. One woman sticks out. She said she had been having a really hard couple of days and that being dressed up made her feel better. She thanked me and said I am going home and getting dressed up! These things brought me such joy. I loved leaving a trail of smiles and glitter!
Protecting My Space
While at Treatments and really anywhere during my journey for that matter, I did not allow people to use negative words in my space, about the drugs I had to take, the treatments, etc. I am sure you have all heard of the bad, negative references/names that some of the chemo meds are called by most including the healthcare professionals, Unacceptable! Not in my space! Not during my Treatment! Not by my providers! Words that I will not repeat.
Even when it came to the physical infusion, I envisioned the medicine to be Liquid Gold flowing through my body in a beautiful way collecting and removing the cells that needed cleansing. I ask you, How are you protecting the space for your healing journey or the journey of your loved ones? Something to think about.
Until Next Time, Sending You Love & Light If your story may help to shed some light in the darkness like mine, Share it in the comments below or on social media using #BeautyInCancer, #_TheRealStephanieWeeks
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