Seeing Auras: A Positive Power Skill – Maria, a pleasant middle-aged social worker, was upbeat, kind, and very spiritual. One day while driving home from work, she was badly injured in a head-on collision caused by Donny, a young man driving a pickup truck.
Maria hired me as her personal injury attorney. After three years the case was set for trial. The Judge ordered a settlement conference the week before trial. Maria and I arrived early. Then came the defense team. Ericka, the insurance company’s attorney stormed into the conference room trailed by the stone-faced insurance adjuster Sean and Donny the defendant. Ericka prepped them well—all exuded poker faces—but that wasn’t what I observing.
“We’ll pay nineteen thousand bucks. Take it or leave it!” Ericka sneered.
Ignoring her, I locked eyes with the adjuster Sean and announced, “We’re ready for trial.”
Sean flinched, “Can—we confer with the defendant.” Ericka, Sean, and Donny exited the room.
“Maria,” I whispered, “Donny’s input is irrelevant—Sean’s calling the shots, but something bad is going on between him and the attorney. Sean’s worried. He doesn’t want a trial—they’re going to settle.”
Within minutes they returned and settled the case for policy limits.
Later Maria said, “I’ve heard rumors about you—how’d you know they’d settle.”
“I saw their auras,” I replied.
Maria smiled, “What did you see?”
“The defendant’s was fuzzy, non-distinct and dull yellow. He was scared and definitely not in control.
“The attorney’s aura was tightly defined meaning she’s very focused—good lawyers are—but it spiked red with anger. When she looked at the adjuster Sean, the red intensified. He may be the boss, but she’s angry with him.
“When I said ‘ready for trial’ Sean’s aura turned murky blue and fluctuated rapidly. He’s afraid they’d lose. The lawyer side of me knows trying this case would cost more than settling—ergo no big fee for Ericka—that’s why she’s ticked.”
Being the “Psychic Lawyer” has certainly made for an interesting career. However, intuitive abilities didn’t always guarantee victory because they can’t change the facts of a case. Nevertheless, seeing auras is a power skill—a tool which facilitates success. Seeing auras is part of my power skill set, and it can be part of yours too.
Everyone is capable of seeing auras because they’re the energy field or radiating light that surrounds an energy source. For example, the “glow” around a light bulb is an aura. You’re seeing its energy field. Humans and all living beings have energy fields aka auras.
People have seen auras for thousands of years. “Exhibit A” is the halo. From ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China, Japan, medieval and renaissance Europe, to today, art is loaded with depictions of spiritual beings, avatars, and teachers emanating a halo/aura of light around or above their head. This aura represents their energetic connection to the divine.
Auras radiate different vibrations and colors depending on what a person is experiencing emotionally or physically. Due to their complexity, this article presents a brief overview of how to see auras and some basic interpretations of them. As with any power skill, perceiving auras takes study, time, patience, and practice.
It’s important to distinguish an “after image” from an aura. An after image is caused by staring at something for a long time, or seeing something bright like a camera flash. When you look away, the lingering visual impression in your field of vision is an after image not an aura. Also, after images don’t radiate colors.
A long time ago in a galaxy far away—okay the 1990s—there was the pop culture fad of stereograms. A stereogram is a two-dimensional image that gives the optical illusion of being three dimensional when you shift the focus of your eyes. As you relax your eyes and focus softly on the stereogram a 3D image will emerge. This occurs because you are slightly presenting different images to each eye, which the brain combines to create the illusion of depth and distance.
While auras aren’t illusions, seeing them involves a technique similar to seeing stereograms. Both involve relaxing and shifting your eyes’ focus. To develop this skill, work with a partner so you can both practice. Plus, its fun!
Begin by observing your partner in front of a stable background like a white or neutral colored wall. This makes it easier to see an aura.
Next, focus softly. Don’t strain, just relax your eyes and look around the person. You may then notice what appears to be an outline around that person—that’s an aura.
As you continue to observe the aura you may see it shift and fluctuate in size. Over time you may begin to see colors within the aura. Sometimes they’re stable colors other times they’ll spike and flash. People aren’t stagnant, so neither are auras which shift and change along with emotions, moods, and health conditions.
If an aura is tight and close around the person this indicates that person is tense and extremely focused. If the aura appears fuzzy and fluctuating the person may be nervous or confused. A relaxed person will project an aura that glows which is well defined but not tight.
Colors within an aura indicate many things ranging from emotions to medical conditions. Since this article is an introduction to aura perception, the focus will be on colors and their emotional meaning.
Emotions like colors have many variations. Generally, the brighter the color, the more positive the emotion. The auras of people engaged in spiritual activities like prayer and meditation tend to project white, gold, and violet.
Dull shades may reveal negative emotions. For example, bright red uncovers passion, whereas darker red may be anger. Strong orange indicates pleasure and sexual energy, whereas pale orange can mean low energy levels and depression. A black aura can mean intense sadness and grief. Bright blue indicates tranquility and peace, dull blue confusion, and anxiety.
Bright yellow means joy, bright green may disclose good health. You’re probably familiar with the expressions “yellow-bellied coward,” and “green with envy.” Generally, when someone is afraid their aura has a dull yellow tint, when envious it emanates a putrid green.
Seeing auras involves honing your observational skills and sensitivity to the energy which flows through us and around us. Gaining insights into people’s feelings, motivations, and health is a powerful skill which must be used ethically and with compassion. On the flip side of the karmic coin, keep your thoughts and actions positive, because you never if someone is perceiving your aura.
To schedule a reading with Mark, visit his website: http://www.AfterlifeFrequency.com
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