What Do I Want from Life, or What Does Life Want from Me? – We live in the culture of Western society that puts a lot of stress on pursuing our goals, figuring out what we want from life, finding our passion, and making our way in the world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, we often get so focused on this direction of thinking that we forget to ask the question essential to our success: What does life want from me?
Understanding Your Unique Role:
Imagine a giant puzzle symbolizing our humanity, and a single piece, that would be symbolizing you. It has its perfect place in the whole picture. This puzzle has a unique pattern on it that makes sense only when connected to other pieces around it.
As you’re piecing together that puzzle, you’re looking at the whole, saying, “Hey, big picture, show me where this piece goes.” The piece can’t fulfill its destiny and discover its uniqueness without referring to its existence as a whole.
When people ask the question, “What do I want from life?” they try to uncover their unique inner pattern of gifts, talents, and predispositions that came with them to this Earth. However, it will satisfy only half of the search. Sometimes, even if we know our inner design, we may try to take the place of another puzzle piece and impose our uniqueness where it’s not needed. No matter how hard we try, it doesn’t fit and it doesn’t flow with the big picture. It happens because we only asked, “Who am I?” and forgot to ask “Who am I as a part of the whole?”
Try a little exercise. Think for a moment, “What do I want from life?” and name it. Notice that when you’re imagining it, the direction of your energy goes from inside of you outwards. You project this wish to the world, and the world is supposed to give it to you. You are in control of the content of the wish.
Now, ask the other question, “What does life want from me?” Notice that the energy flow now is from outside towards you. It is life and the world out there that wants something from you. How do you feel? Excited and happy? Or unsure, anxious, maybe even scared? Not in control?
For you to feel happy and excited there must be trust that outside forces always want your best, support you, care about you, and know more about the whole than you alone.
Shaping Our Relationship with the World:
Here, we come to a very important observation. When we come to this Earth, our first world is our family. We don’t know that there is a world outside of our home. In time, the boundaries of our world expand, and it becomes bigger. The stage of our existence now is not only family and the walls of the home, but the school, the neighborhood, then the town or city, the whole country, and some people even extend their inner state to the point of feeling such as a “citizen of the world.”
The first container we find ourselves in, which is home and family, is crucial for forming the foundations for our relationship with the world. Our brain, at this stage, forms neural connections with the speed of light. It wants to know what this world is about and how to fit in, how to behave, and how to move through it efficiently. It strives for more and more independence. It is here when we learn our perception of the world, whether it is a safe place or not if we can trust it or if it’s safer to control it, be on guard, and expect adversity.
Navigating Existence with Openness:
When you ask, “What does life want from me?”, depending on what your basic foundation for the relationship with the world is, you could have a good response. It may be joy, excitement, and a sense of adventure that is accompanied by the feeling of openness. Also, not knowing at the moment what exactly life wants from you is not a problem, because you trust that life will bring you what you need at the right time.
However, when the response you have makes you feel constricted, anxious, and distrustful, it means that you learned early on that life is not your supporter. So you won’t be open to seeing the whole, and it will be harder to find your perfect and optimal spot in the whole. You’ll know it by feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, lost, tired of life, and burned out from trying.
Everyone has their perfect spot among the whole. The whole can’t be without you and your uniqueness. It is so important that we find our true and deep Self that is always connected to the whole by releasing old and distorted programs. The beautiful whole depends on it.
If you’d like to learn more about the interface between your deep Self and the world that I call the Inner Parent, I invite you to read my book; You Are the Dream of the Universe. Discover the hidden intentions that drive your relationship with others and the world. Release negative emotions and beliefs that fuel your patterns by trying the 25 exercises in the book. Reconnect with your unique and deeper Self. See the world from this revolutionary perspective.

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