SPRING CLEAN YOUR BODY FROM THE INSIDE OUT – Well, Spring has come knocking on the door, and you may just naturally feel motivated to spring-clean your body, mind, and environment. During this time, being aware of what you need and how you feel is the priority. This year has felt particularly rocky for many of us, and if your awakening into Spring is taking a little longer than usual, accepting where you’re at is key. We can look at the start of a new season as a powerful reset and a time to take another look at what we need to thrive and if there are adjustments, changes, or support our body asks us for.
As the rebirth stage of Spring is here, we can intuitively start feeling ready to start preparing for the warmer months – spring cleaning is a tradition for a reason! Spring is the ideal time to do a spring clean of the body and mind; a diet detox and a spring clean of the home to remove clutter from your life can be refreshing, cleansing, and re-energizing. If you’ve been in more of an introverted mode during the winter months and you’re ready to spring into the new warm weather energy of the season, here are some ideas that might inspire you.
Naturally, as the weather gets warmer and the days become longer again, the motivation to get active will often come back (if it decreases during winter!). Some of us have the willpower and love of fitness to keep it up all year round, but many of us do not. As our energy and motivation return with Spring, we can feel the desire to get to the gym and start getting ‘summer body ready.’
If you do well with fitness competitions and cleanses, go for it. But if that’s not your thing, a long, leisurely walk can also get the job done.
Consistent exercise is good for the mind and body. If you decide to do a diet detox, it is a great way to assist cellular detoxification by promoting the circulation of blood and lymph around the body to aid the elimination of waste products and ensure the delivery of vital nutrients.
A glass of warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day—it will help digestion and the liver and bring vitality to your day.
When the mornings become lighter again, we will naturally wake up earlier and start to notice we have more energy as our body adjusts to the change of Spring.
If there’s a new habit you’ve been wanting to do, why not take the opportunity of spring as a fresh start to ease into some new habits?
This could look like getting up and exercising to start your day or choosing to read a book in the evening instead of TV before sleep.
Flowing with the natural cycles of nature and our bodies extends beyond just sleep and into our diets as well. This is why science backs up the idea that seasonal eating is good for all species, including humans and the environment.
If you eat more winter vegetables, soups, and slow cooker recipes in the cold months, the start of Spring is a wonderful opportunity to clean out the cupboards and fridge, throw out anything old or expired, and restock with fresh spring fruit and vegetables.
Spring is a great time to get more Vitamin D. As we head into Spring, getting some extra sun can be so cleansing, health-boosting, and uplifting to our physical body, our mental well-being, and our energy. The sun has wonderful properties that we need for optimal health.
Many people take breathing for granted because it’s just something we do 24 hours a day, instinctually. But breathing is life!
Deep breathing helps oxygenate your cells and has been shown to boost energy levels while also keeping stress levels under control. Deep abdominal breathing, such as meditative breathing, helps to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and stress response and is a great addition to your daily life. There you have it. Now, you’re ready to spring clean your body to greater health, happiness, and vitality.
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