Taking the First Steps to Reaching Your Dreams – Is indecision a recurring theme in your life? Do you find yourself saying, “I don’t know,” more often than you’d like? It’s possible you’re plagued with self-doubt.
First, you’re not alone.
Self-doubt is one of the most common issues people struggle with, and it can be a real roadblock when it comes to living into our best life. Did you know that self-doubt is the biggest killer of dreams? It keeps you stuck in indecision, spinning in circles and not moving anywhere. The best news is, with a little practice, you can start to feel the power that comes from taking your life back, one decision, one moment at a time.
The first step to eradicating self-doubt and start building self-confidence is to begin by acknowledging that you hold the answers regarding what is right for you in your life. It might interest you to know that when you don’t believe in your decisions, you are telling yourself that you don’t believe in yourself. When you don’t have confidence in yourself, you’re thinking in some way you are broken or not good enough to make the best decision for you, but there’s no one better than yourself to do that.
You are amazing and don’t let anyone else tell you differently!
After you’re able to acknowledge that you have the answers within you, it’s time to start making decisions. Yes, I know, this may be scary, but trust yourself that you have the answers that are right for you. If you struggle with this, tweak how you think about it from “I don’t know how” to “I may not know how yet, but I’m a great learner and I will figure this out”. This will remind your brain, who thinks is keeping you safe, that you are capable to make decisions and trust yourself.
It may feel challenging at first and your brain might throw up resistance, but it is a necessary step towards eliminating self-doubt. Even if you are unsure of what the outcome will be, making a decision will help you move forward.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is to make a decision and move forward.
When you finally make a decision you’ve just built a little bit of confidence in yourself. And the best news ever is you’ve gifted yourself all the authority back. You’re putting yourself back in the game and not waiting for someone else to do it for you. As you are calculating your decision, choose that, no matter what, you’ll back yourself up on that decision. It’s always nice to have other people’s opinions and other people backing you, but if you can’t ever back yourself, then you’ll always be looking outside of you to be making really important life decisions. Did you know that when you look outside yourself to make your final decision, you are giving your power away?
It’s like you’re saying somebody else has more authority than you to make the right decision for you.
I’m all for having a team or a group of people who you trust to bounce ideas off, but when it comes to your life and how this decision will affect you personally, you need to be the main authority here. You need to be the one holding the majority of this power. No one else will have to live your life. There is no better authority to hold all the power for you, then you. You know what’s best for you. Trust that. Believe it. It’s true!
Don’t get caught in the “what if” trap.
What if it’s not the right choice? What if I’m supposed to be doing something else? What if choosing this will be a waste of time? What if I choose wrong and miss an opportunity of lifetime? I believe, whatever decision you make, is the right decision. There’s no upside to believing anything else. I truly believe you’re smart enough to notice that if you make a decision. It’s not getting you the results you want, you will pivot and continue pivoting until you are getting your ideal outcome. Each decision you make, you have experiences and gain wisdom. Now you’re going to continue forward with the next one. There’s no such thing as “a waste of time” when you acknowledge the wisdom gained and the practice spent in refining you towards your next best version.
When we stay in self-doubt, always questioning ourselves, we keep playing small. We casually live our lives in the ordinary and don’t go for the extraordinary that we’ve always wanted.
We don’t go for goals we think are unreachable.
If you’re in the middle of making your dream a reality or if you have any decision to make. The way how to move forward is to just make a choice and go from there. Avoid the “what if” traps and decide you’ll have your back no matter what. You do know what’s best for you. There’s no upside to thinking otherwise. Decide you are the person who has the right answers for you and then make a decision. Break past those barriers that are keeping you stuck and start moving in a direction that’s going to keep you on a path to an amazing future.
Connect with Amber.