Do you have extra weight that just seems stuck on? Have you been eating well and exercising regularly, only to see the scale stay the same?
While maintaining a healthy weight is often thought to be as simple as following a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, often that is only part of the picture! Many people aren’t aware of the other commonly hidden causes of weight gain. Factors such as toxins in our environment, hormones and thyroid levels, stress, and sleep deprivation can all contribute to unwanted weight gain. This article will explore these hidden causes and discuss ways to reduce their effects on your body.
Toxic Burden
Toxins in our environment can have a profound effect on our health. We encounter toxins everywhere, including our air, food, and water. Many toxins can disrupt the body’s hormones, leading to weight gain. Experts have coined the term “obesogens” to account for the chemicals that drive weight gain. Some toxins increase the production of fat cells in the body, causing you to carry more fat. The body stores toxins in fat cells as a protective measure to get them out of the bloodstream. The toxic burden can lead to weight loss resistance, keeping the toxins safely tucked away and the fat stubbornly in place. Toxins can also impact the hormones that signal hunger and tell you when you are full, leading to overeating.
Empower Yourself
It is essential to take steps to reduce your exposure to toxins. Drinking filtered water, eating organic food, and swapping to nontoxic cleaning products can significantly reduce your toxin burden. How do you know if toxicity is contributing to your weight gain? Getting a complete toxin panel will give you the answer.
Thyroid Health
The thyroid plays a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolism. If the thyroid produces too few hormones, it can lead to a condition known as hypothyroidism, which is associated with weight gain. Additional symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, brain fog, dry skin, sensitivity to cold, hair loss, thinning of the outer eyebrows, muscle aches, and pains, constipation, and depression. Unfortunately, Western medicine often misses thyroid conditions because most doctors only test one thyroid function marker instead of ordering a complete thyroid panel.
Empower Yourself
If you have any of the above symptoms, ordering a complete thyroid panel is the best way to determine if your thyroid function is contributing to your extra weight.
Hormone Balance
Hormonal imbalances also be a hidden cause of weight gain. Hormonal imbalances occur when your body produces too much or too little of certain hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, in relation to one another. Imbalances in these hormones can affect the way your body processes food and how it stores fat. This means that even if each hormone falls within the normal range, an imbalance might be driving your weight gain.
Empower Yourself
Get a complete hormone panel and have it evaluated by a functional medicine practitioner who will consider the results in relation to one another.
Chronic Stress
Stress also affects our hormones and can lead to weight gain. The body releases cortisol in response to stress, which encourages the body to store more fat for energy. So, when we experience chronic stress, we constantly signal fat storage. Additionally, chronic stress can lead to poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation, which can further disrupt the hormones that regulate metabolism.
Empower Yourself
Incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine can help you better handle the stressors you face. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and time in nature can help you decompress. Intentionally including joy in your day is a great way to increase resilience and reduce your stress response. Whatever you choose to incorporate, consistent and intentional practices are crucial to reducing the impact of chronic stress on your health and weight.
Insufficient Sleep
Getting adequate sleep is essential for good health and is one of the most important things you can do to prevent weight gain. Sleep deprivation disrupts hormone levels, including ghrelin and leptin, hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness. When these hormones are unbalanced due to lack of sleep, it can lead to overeating and weight gain. Additionally, sleep deficiency can cause the body to produce more cortisol (just like chronic stress) which encourages fat storage.
Empower Yourself
Create a nighttime routine that encourages quality sleep. Avoid blue light after sundown, stop eating two to three hours before bedtime, and get to bed early enough to get adequate sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night…yes…really!
Eating a nutrient-dense, real-food diet and moving your body consistently to maintain optimal health and weight is essential! AND… by identifying other underlying factors contributing to weight gain, you can take proactive steps to get your desired results. Check in with your intuition to see which of the hidden factors is most likely influencing your weight to identify your starting point. Take action and watch your body respond! Connect with Julie: www.tap.bio/@juliemichelson
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