Expand Your Possibilities: Go from “Or” to “And” – My favorite game of all time is “Would you rather?” You know, the game where you ask another person to choose between two impossibly horrible situations or two to-good-to-be-true scenarios to see what they would choose. I play this game with my boyfriend all the time and my friends. I played this game with my 4-year-old nice one day and asked her, “Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to speak any language in the world to humans.” She thought about it for a second and then replied back, “I want to be able to talk to animals AND speak any language to humans.”
This was such a cool reminder of the power of ‘and’ in our lives…, and I realized I will not be able to play my favorite game of ‘Would you rather’ with my niece any time soon because she keeps answering with “and.”
I have a really amazing friend, and she and I talked a lot about our word for 2023. This is something we both create for ourselves each year. Her word for 2023 is ‘and.’ It’s a reminder for her that she is capable of being a mom and wife and business owner and… This word inspires her, motivates her, and gives her that feeling she wants to feel living as this person who embodies ‘and’. It wasn’t too long after Jan 1 that she realized she was and-ing all over the place and had way too much on her plate.
“You have to put your ‘and’ on a leash,” I told her.
She can embody the ‘and’ spirit of expressing her full potential AND have boundaries so that ‘and’ can be a part of her life. 😉 right?
Just earlier today, I heard a woman have this beautiful realization that she and her husband could move, and by downsizing their house, they would be able to travel as well. She had been battling this ‘or’ situation, and it just didn’t sit right. When she realized the possibility of and in her life, that sat well. You could see it in her whole entire demeanor. It was a whole new route to complete the circle she hadn’t thought of before she did at that moment.
I definitely believe that we can get stuck at this fork in the road and actually realize it’s a 5-lane highway taking you to 5 different freeways. Make sense? We can open up the door to possibility when we feel stuck in that fork if we choose. What possibilities exist in your ‘and’ world that you haven’t thought of until now?
Where can you live more in the possibility of ‘and’?
Where do you need to put your ‘and’ on a leash and set some clear and solid, healthy, and beautiful boundaries?
What’s the next best step you can take now to live a little bit more in the ‘and-with-boundaries’ life?
Think about that this month. And if you have any “aha” moments, you want to share them. Send me a DM on Instagram.
You can find me at @lifelikelunden
More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, Lunden Souza.