How to Attract More of What You Want & Feel Joyful “AF” in The Process
Once I get that high-paying job….then I’ll be happy and feel successful.
- Once I find my dream partner…then I will feel fulfilled and complete.
- Once I lose the weight and get in shape….then I will feel good and sexy.
- Once I have a family & a house…then I will be good enough.
As a Master Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, I hear from people all the time who are looking for things outside of them to change in order for them to feel some type of way. If only they could land that job, get that house, meet their dream partner, have X amount of money in the bank…THEN everything will be wonderful.
Right? WRONG!
We have been programmed and conditioned to believe that things outside of us WILL make us happy. They won’t unless we are already happy.
Become more of what you want:
You attract what you are. If you are hanging out in a space of worry and lack…you’re going to find more things to worry about, and you’re going to notice all the lack in your life. I remember listening to an interview with one of my mentors, Dr. Joe Dispenza, about relationships. He said, “Make a list of all the qualities you want in a partner and then become it.” Like attracts like.
Feel the feeling ahead of the experience:
Why wait until you get X, Y, or Z to feel happy, fulfilled, and joyful? The Universe will absolutely deliver all of your dreams on a silver platter when you can get into the energetic feeling AHEAD of the experience. How do you do this?
Sit, close your eyes, and breathe into your heart (I like to put my hands over my heart, too). Think about something, ANYTHING, that easily brings you joy (kids, family, animals, or a particularly joyful experience). Stay there for 5-10 minutes. Please do this as often as you can until it becomes your new state of being. When I moved back to America from Austria in 2020, I had pretty much $0 and 0 things. I didn’t let that stop me.
I practiced feeling full, abundant, successful, and happy every single day. NOW my business is booming; I make money in my sleep from multiple streams of income I’ve set up over the course of the last 2.5 years, AND it’s growing steadily month over month, year over year. When all the abundance came, that feeling of abundance was so familiar because I had already been practicing it as if my life depended on it…because, in my model of the world, it did, and it does.
Surround yourself with good people:
These are the five most important words that my dad always taught me. What does “good” mean in this case? It means those who see greatness within you even when you are having a rough time seeing it yourself.
- Those who are also feeling grateful ahead of the experience.
- Those who are elevating themselves and others.
- Those who are kind even when no one is looking.
- Those who hold space for your change and who welcome who you are becoming instead of being attached to the old you.
Surrender & allow what is of your highest good to come:
Sometimes we can get so caught up in our dream looking a particular way. Instead of being attached to a specific outcome, surrender and know that if the Universe has a better plan in mind for you…you want that instead. Trust me…you’ll want that instead! When I was 21, I got super clear about wanting a job that allowed me to travel the world, visit my family whenever I want, and still make a purpose-driven impact.
I remember thinking it was going to be this job at a supplement company, and I was SO devastated when it didn’t work out. Lo and behold, a few months later, an Austrian startup reached out to me, and that catapulted an 8-year fitness career where I was able to host workout events in 6+ countries.
Never stop seeking clarity:
While I started my career in fitness and health coaching, I retired from fitness after 13+ years, and now I am a Master Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, and podcast host. About a year and a half ago, I had this feeling that fitness wasn’t where I wanted to end my career. I kept checking in with myself, I kept meditating & journaling about it, I kept seeking clarity, and I kept reaching out to coaches to help me gain even more clarity.
And when it was time to jump, I went for it. Clarity isn’t “set it and forget it”; it’s something you really have to foster and cultivate. I coach my one-on-one clients A TON on clarity.
Get out of your comfort zone:
Seriously! I don’t care what it is….if it scares you, try it! Oftentimes it’s much less scary and so much easier than we think, and then we build confidence because we went after it. I always tell my clients to gather evidence of their greatness by doing more of what’s uncomfortable. And that comes from getting out of your head, into your heart & getting out of your comfort zone.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, and if this article brings up some discomfort for you…good, you’re well on your way with #6.
If you’re ready to unlock a life that you freakin’ love to live…let’s work together one-on-one: https://lifelikelunden.com/vip AND for weekly mindset upgrades, tune in to Self Love & Sweat THE PODCAST wherever you listen to podcasts. https://lifelikelunden.com/podcast
More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, Lunden Souza.