In this episode of Oh, My Health… There is HOPE! Jana talks with Alexis (Lexie) Smith. After battling perfectionism and clinical depression, Alexis was diagnosed with an eating disorder at the age of 15. She spent 6 days in Primary Children’s hospital, 4 months with a feeding tube, and months of recovery with a specialized therapist, dietitian, and pediatrician. Lexie has since recovered from anorexia/orthorexia and is a podcast host, motivational speaker, therapist in training, and advocate for overall mental health.
“5 out of 5 people have mental health.”
Jana and Alexis talk about:
1) Eating disorders and creating change
2) Learning to thrive in your diagnosis
3) Coming to terms with your body image
4) Admitting you have a problem is step #1
5) Ditching the diet culture
This 30-minute episode is on:
Jana and Alexis discuss her eating disorder and her recovery journey. How she is now in complete recovery and thriving in her diagnosis. We discuss ditching the diet culture and taking that first step, and admitting to you might need help.
Meet Alexis Smith:
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Show Music ‘Hold On’ by Amy Gerhartz
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