How much time have you spent thinking or questioning the matter surrounding conscious healthy living and how it can change your life? Whether you have given this thought or not, do you ever wonder what you can do to start living a healthy, balanced lifestyle?
In this day and age, we have all heard the collective chirps and whispers of ‘consciousness’, for whatever is happening in the stars has most of us gravitating towards conscious living. We take more time to consider what we’re eating, how our homes are laid out; hello feng shui, crystals and their ability to shift energies.
We certainly live in interesting times. We say that we’re moving towards freeing ourselves from emotional and mental baggage, and it seems like every month another gadget or application is created to make our lives ‘easier’. However, life is just as stressful as ever. We’re under pressure from our families, work, ourselves even… Have you ever been in a situation where your self-talk was all about ‘making it’ to the end of the week without losing it, or till the end of the month waiting for that payday check so we can break even. This way of life can lead to serious issues.
As we are connected around the clock to everyone’s life, dramas, news, and announcements, we find it hard to switch off. Could this digital era be counteracting our intentions and is it the reason why we are seeing more anxiety, depression, suicide? The struggle is real! It’s becoming increasingly difficult to step out without a trusted app assisting us to our destination, or sharing our location, excitement or precious moments with all those that we are connected to on ‘social’ networks.
So what can we do collectively to alleviate all of this?
Here at School of Awakening, we believe there are four areas that can be worked on to significantly change our state of mind and move us on to the path of conscious living. Before taking a look at these four areas, let’s address the key part to that statement; you may be asking, ‘what is conscious living and what is so important about it?’ In short, it’s about being aware of the decisions we make in our day to day lives. When we start to consider ‘why’ things are happening in our lives, we can change our reactions or behaviors to events, so we live a happier, more fulfilled life. For instance, do you really like all of the tasks you carry out each day or were they things you started to do to please your parents or grandparents? Do you enjoy eating meat and two veg every day, or is that habitual, a way of eating because that is what you were fed as a child?
Just as the past can affect our behavior, so can the present moment. Let’s face it, we’re all impacted by each other’s moods and emotions. Simply cast your mind to the commute to or from work… Did you get a sense of what was going on with the people around you? Wouldn’t it be great to get to work or home without feeling someone else’s tension?
Now, this is where the magic happens, where we can start taking control of our collective well-being. You could implement some ideas from either all or one of the four factors below, depending on how much change you’re ready to experience right now or how much resonates.
Clothes – The clothes you choose to wear can say a lot about who you are. What colour clothes do you have a tendency to pick out – dark, pastels, or bright colours? Maybe you prefer to just add a touch of colour to your outfits. Now have a think about why you wear those colours. Often people who are unhappy with their body shape wear dark colours to try to conceal it. Others avoid too much colour so they fit into a corporate environment. If that’s the reason behind your clothing decisions, are you ready to rethink your choices? Perhaps you’re on the opposite scale and confidently use clothes to express your individuality…
Clothes can also impact the way you feel, with colour choices uplifting your mood and giving you a new lease of energy. A specific colour, such as blue for wisdom and clarity, could give you a little boost of confidence for that job interview or an important meeting. Wearing orange may just be the dash of colour you need to inspire you to write that newsletter or design that flyer. Perhaps the colour of your clothes will help to give you some compassion or patience when in a situation that requires this.
And if you don’t feel a particular emotion at the start of the day which you really wish you were emanating, that’s OK. How about dressing as if you are, and allowing your emotions to catch up with your clothing?!
Food – The food you eat can also significantly influence your mood. We’ve all heard the Government guidelines for how many portions of fruit and vegetables to eat in a day in order to have optimum health. Do you adhere to it? There are some people out there who even consciously try to have as much colour as possible on their plate, as the variety of colour translates into a variety of nutrients. How much thought do you put into your food choices?
Giving thanks for your food is a great habit to have. Every time we give thanks for a great home-cooked meal, and to all of the hard work that has gone into preparing it, we increase the enjoyment we receive by eating this food. It can actually improve the nutritional intake from the food!
There are times when the events taking place around us cause us to eat certain foods or in a particular way. For instance, when times are tough, do you binge eat? Do you reach for the chocolate or alcohol? Sometimes if we feel certain emotions, we have a tendency to feed our physical body rather than deal directly with those emotions. Once we come to understand that maybe the foods we are reaching for relate to energies outside of our body, then if we reach for food in those emotional times we could pause and ask “what emotion am I eating?”. Can you imagine how much better your food choices could be following this?
Words – The conversations you have really do affect your mood. If you’re conscious of the words you say (and the thoughts you have) you’ll see that briefly indulging in a bout of anger or frustration is fine, but the sooner you revert back to using positive, empowering words, the better. Why is that? Well, some well-chosen words can really help you perform to the best of your ability. And yes, even the unspoken self-talk can make a difference. Your thoughts can seep into your subconscious mind, moving you from victim to victor. We may not even realize what we think of ourselves on a habitual basis, so next time you’re lost in your own thoughts, have a listen to your sound. And if you don’t like what you hear, simply change the record!
Our words can have a massive impact on the people around us too. We can often be faced with a situation where we just want to let off steam or speak our mind to someone, but will that really serve in the long term? That one critical word could knock a colleague’s confidence, or make our children think we don’t love them as we do. So when you find yourself in these circumstances, just pause. Think about how you could explain your point of view regarding the situation without letting your emotions get in the way. Maybe you could also put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This will allow you to articulate things in such a way that the person will gain a better understanding of your argument, and may even lead to you both finding common ground.
When you understand the power of words, you’ll take a lot more care with them. Simply put, words have energy and energy attracts. Speak only what you truly want to experience.
Environment – Have you ever walked into a room and found you could cut the tension with a knife? How has this made you feel? A little nervous or apprehensive yourself perhaps? How about walking into a room and feeling how electric the atmosphere was? Your environment can have an immediate impact on your mood, so it’s important to pay more attention to the thoughts and conversations we leave in the air. We all enjoy spending time in places that uplift us, so perhaps we can also contribute towards uplifting spaces, people and places… All it takes is a little awareness.
Colour can also play a big part in how an environment feels. Colours can uplift us, empower us, calm us, help us focus. Imagine if within your house the walls of your bedroom were a different colour to your study, which was again different to your kitchen. Each space could be created to best suit the activity taking place within. And this doesn’t have to stop in the home! Offices have started to get in on the act, understanding that a bright artwork place in the design team’s room could inspire creativity, whilst some well-chosen colours for the accounts team’s area can help the numbers be crunched more efficiently and the invoices flow out to clients!
Sound can also be used within an environment to improve how the occupants feel. Have you ever had some relaxing music on whilst taking a bath or sang along to one of your favourite tunes whilst cooking? Yes, yes?! Even offices have started to have a radio on in the background to add to the gentle hum of activity. It can bring an extra element of warmth to an environment, which like the colour, helps you to achieve the task at hand to the best of your ability.
So you can see, there’s plenty of things we can consider changing if we just become more aware of where to look. Mastering each of these factors may take some time, but with practice, we can all improve our habits. Just one small adjustment can make your day that little bit brighter. Make another adjustment the next day… and the next. Within no time you’ll have a completely new outlook on life. The things that once had a hold of you will no longer bother you. There will be so much joy in your life that being this way will feel much lighter and closer to who you are… a powerful manifestor of light creating joy wherever you go.
Now, you’re one person out of billions on the planet. Can you imagine how many people you could influence with your new-found good habits? Your family might be inspired to join you with your new-found love of colour at the meal table. Your work colleagues may love the new relaxed atmosphere in the office brought about by having some music to listen to. Perhaps that smile to a stranger on the daily commute turns around their day, having a knock on effect with everyone they meet. And if there are other people also consciously upgrading their lives on every street, in every town, in every country… Gradually we’re upgrading the energy of the planet. Now that’s what collective conscious living looks like!
How does this sound? Do you like the look of this new conscious world? Are you ready to make some changes and become the best version of you?
Want to know more about the author?
Sidra Jafri
Author | International Keynote & TEDx Speaker | Key Awakening Facilitator | Conscious Consultant
Sidra Jafri is the lead facilitator at School of Awakening. Years of research into the area of consciousness has led her to develop a number of unique tools and techniques used throughout the school and has allowed her to help shape the school’s diverse curriculum. Sidra created a technique called Accessing Body Consciousness (ABC) which has become the foundation for many of the initial classes and courses taught at School of Awakening. She has used it over the last decade whilst facilitating over 100,000 people and spending over 18,000 hours healing globally in the areas of health, wealth and relationships.
ABC has led to many profound breakthroughs. Those using ABC have found breathing issues cleared, vision has improved, rifted relationships have been healed, and struggling businesses have become profitable. The range of issues and depth of
the problems resolved continues to be extraordinary.
The precursor to all of the tools is Sidra’s Best Selling book ‘The Awakening – 9 Principles for Finding the Courage to Change Your Life’, which provides building blocks to uncover subconscious beliefs that cause the later complications in health, business, and relationships.
Her years of research have led to Sidra being invited to be a keynote speaker in 4 continents about subjects ranging from empowerment and relationship management to work/life balance and energetic business mastery. She continues to refine the topics she specializes in.
Since 2012 Sidra has also been facilitating global experiential retreats for entrepreneurs, thought leaders and seekers of a holistic lifestyle looking to journey into the world of science and energetics to satisfy that innate feeling that there is ‘more’. These ‘Soul Spas’ provide a safe space to immerse in tested tools of consciousness.
More recently Sidra’s work naturally branched out into the corporate environment as she came to understand the conscious undercurrents of businesses. As a Conscious Business Consultant, Sidra has brought the communal aspects seen in much of her work into alignment with the commercial side of the business, providing a much-needed balance of consciousness to all departments. Her personal awakening journey led her to become an avid student of hypnotherapy, EFT, ENLP, Reiki and more, whilst also obtaining a diploma and degree in law and management.
Sidra Jafri will be embarking on a book tour ahead of her second book release, The Awakening: (4 Portals to Gain Higher Levels of Love, Power, Abundance, and Purpose in your Day to Day Life) (March 2020). Ahead of the release, Sidra is unlocking The Awakening Bridge. Designed as an interactive immersive learning manual to move individuals into the world of energetics by teaching the benefits of embodying Access Body Consciousness (ABC), The Awakening Bridge is setting us up for a life-changing digital journey of consciousness.
Sidra will be launching ‘The Awakening Bridge’ in a unique format. Each chapter will only be released once the reader has completed the previous one, ensuring the reader fully understands the tools needed to complete the Awakening journey.
The launch of the Awakening book series comes with much excitement to researcher Sidra Jafri, as her quest for ‘understanding the nature’ of our behaviors and actions will no longer be a theory or concept but rather an open platform for all those seeking
a deeper understanding of self and mastery of life on earth. There is an opportunity to test the tools of consciousness through this unique digital interactive manual.
Sidra’s charismatic stage presence, combined with the expert knowledge she has in the field of energy and consciousness, makes her a dynamic and inspiring speaker.
She continues to research and develop groundbreaking material which proves popular with both existing clients and the growing number of new clients, from housewives to entrepreneurs to corporate CEOs.
2019-2020 Dates to Connect with Sidra LIVE
Soul Spas, exclusive experiential learning retreats, due to the nature of the retreats
it is application only. We like to ensure we serve those who are open and ready for a
journey that will continue long after the Soul Spas.
To Attend Soul Spa Experiential Retreats – Email:
Vancouver in April 19th – 21st 2019
Sedona in June 13th – 16th 2019
Bangalore in July 13th – 16th 2019
London in September 27th – 30th 2019
London in October 24th – 27th 2019
Hyderabad in December 6th – 9th 2019
Mumbai in March 2020
Vancouver in April 2020
UK in May 2020
Sedona in June 2020
Bangalore in July 2020
UK in September 2020
San Francisco in October 2020
Hyderabad in December 2020
Mumbai in March 2021
Vancouver in April 2021
UK in May 2021
Sedona in June 2021
Bangalore in July 2021
UK in September 2021
San Francisco in October 2021
Hyderabad in December 2021
We welcome all students of life to join the conversation and ask questions on ZOOM
(Meeting ID 353-367-242) in a space we call FLO. This is a global health and
wellness channel that’s open 24 hours, caring for our collective dreams.
Links to connect with Sidra:
Insta: @sidrajafrilive
For Media Inquiries: Contact Global PR Sidra Jafri Team –
#SidraJafri #SidraJafriLive
Thank you so much for sharing this blog with all of us! It is the best blog and perfect for this time of the year. I love that you share about the change in ourselves creates this incredible ripple effect that spreads farther than we could even imagine.
Thank you so much; this is why I consider you one of my favorite mentors in my life’s journey. You’re fantastic, and I hope you send us more of these insightful blogs!
Thank you so much Jana. I has so much fun sharing this with you. I look forward to hearing all about your shifts, observations and any questions you have as you continue to grow and evolve.
Thank you so much Jana. I has so much fun sharing this with you. I look forward to hearing all about your shifts, observations and any questions you have as you continue to grow and evolve.
Yes! At the end of the day we all want to be healthier. But when we stop to think about ALL the things we need to do in order to be more holistic in our lives it can be overwhelming. I love that you have put together this article that helps break it down. This way anyone can pick one area to work on and add to it further down the line. I loved it keep up the great work!