In a world of algorthms, hastags, likes, and followers, you should know the true importance of human connection – Jana Short
Are you building an online business that requires you to sell products or services? Are you posting about your product or your services? What about this, are you continue educating on what you do or what your products can do for others?
STOP! That type of online sales is rarely successful. Do you remember the old saying in sales or marketing? “ABC Always be closing.” Most of the world will remember that from the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross, where Alec Baldwin’s character treats that phrase like gospel.
The fact is, that kind of “always be closing” mentality and approach is the enemy of persuasion. It worked several decades ago, but today’s consumer is coming from a low-trust world and not only demands but deserves a different approach.
The underlying presumption is everything you say or do should lead back to closing a sale. I teach pretty much along that same premises of everything you do or say online should lead back to you. It should open conversation and lead them back to you.
Imagine you were just told you had an autoimmune disorder, and your doctor was recommending a lot of prescriptions you never heard of and several more uncomfortable tests. You decide to go online and do some research, maybe join an autoimmune group for support. You are sick, scared, and desperate to find solutions. Some people would take advantage of that to be closing a sale.
There are others, though, that are miles ahead of the game. They are the connectors, the major online influencers. They have gotten into their field of practice out of passion and desire to serve their clients. They have a compelling story of hope, and they remember the fear, distrust, and desperation they felt when they were seeking answers online.
Follow them on social media; you will see them posting helpful and credible articles; they show up to answer your questions. If you book a discovery call, they are the ones leaning in and hearing what you have to say. They are authentic, passionate, educated, and they want to take the time to build that connection with their potential clients.
Selling and the ABC mindset is manipulative, and it no longer works; sure, a health coach would love to sign you as a client, but they are going to build that rapport first. That is why experts who work on the human connection and create that bond when establishing a potential client have such a high success rate in their business. They didn’t drag their client into a “weightloss” program or sign on as your “accountability coach.” Without creating that incredible bond of trust and respect prior.
If you are not booking clients or successful in your online sales business, I suggest you STOP SELLING and take a more personal approach to connect with your ideal clients.
I am doing public speaking all the time, and the first thing out of my mouth is “SHARE YOUR STORY.” Your stories are compelling; it makes you vulnerable, human, and relatable to your potential clients. Tell them about how you failed time and time again. Then let them know that there is no such thing as failure. It is all feedback; the more significant the mistake, the more you learn.
The inventor Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. He was quoted when asked how it feels to fail 1,000 times, and he replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light blub was an invention with 1,000 steps.”
Did you know that a premature baby has a much higher rate of survival with a human touch? A lack of physical affection can kill babies. Babies who are not held and nuzzled and hugged enough will literally stop growing, and if the situation lasts long enough, even if they are receiving proper nutrition-die.
When you are on social media building your online business, keep in mind that on the other side of your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, or Direct Messages are real people. Who are scared, frustrated, distrusting, and sometimes desperate for help, and just like that newborn, they are looking for a human connection.
Your business will flourish when you reach out and introduce yourself. Not your business, not your product, but who you are.
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Jana Short is an Author, Entrepreneur, Founder of Health Influencers Mastermind, and creator of Best Holistic Life. She created all of this to fill a need for her clients to connect with and receive real expert advice from Major Influencers and Health Experts. If this is something that speaks to you, she would love to extend an invitation to have you join her at this quarter’s Health Influencers Mastermind, free! You get to meet and mingle and get to know the experts. Find solutions, and create health. Join her Facebook Group and visit her website.
I totally agree that we need to spend more time connecting with others. It is so easy to forget just how important connecting is in our digital world. I really enjoyed reading this article and I love this site. Where else can you go to interact with so many different health experts? It really is one of a kind. Thank you for your amazing reminder of the importance of connection.
Thank you, Dr. Dee, you are one of my favorite bloggers! We appreciate your continued support, blogs, and comments!